Category Archives: Pets

RIP, my sweet boy Greyson

We lost our kitty Greyson in December, a couple of weeks before the holiday and VERY unexpectedly. He was fine, then started vomiting, stopped eating, and became lethargic, all over a three-day period. One of his kidneys was in acute failure, and so we made the heart-wrenching decision to let him go. I am still heartbroken, as he was my special boy, and loved to be on my lap. He also slept either on or right by me.

He loved to sit like this while taking a bath.

Here’s Greyson in his favorite hidey-hole spot.

Spring is finally here. Yay?

I know, New England has had a terrible and weird winter. Balmy instead of cold, and three Nor’Easters in April? Really? And then on the first warm day a week or so ago, I found two spiders in my house! Not cool. I like the idea of spring, but not the reality.

But yesterday, May 2, was indeed a spring day. Some places the temp hit over 80 degrees, and it was glorious outside my own house. Dot, our mini-schnauzer, just loves to stay outdoors when the weather is nice. (She also likes to stay outdoors when the weather is crummy, but we makeĀ  her come in. She’s not the brightest.) I fully expected her to be out as long as possible yesterday. But it really wasn’t that hot that she had to dig herself a hole to stay cool in.

Dot in spring

She doesn’t even look guilty! My poor yard.