Category Archives: Family

My quest for a Hobbit garden

I’m trying to get a handle of making a real Hobbit garden in my front yard. However, I am totally overwhelmed with garden planning! All I know for sure is that I like hydrangeas, day lilies and my hollyhocks. I want tall perennials in the back and will probably keep annuals as my front borders. I have lots of Hosta in the backyard, but I don’t want them in the front. I would like a nice mixture of colors, but don’t want to limit myself to a specific pallet, as I like to select a different color every year for the annuals.

No wonder people have degrees in horticulture and get big bucks for garden designing. I will post photos as I try to get this done.

RIP, my sweet boy Greyson

We lost our kitty Greyson in December, a couple of weeks before the holiday and VERY unexpectedly. He was fine, then started vomiting, stopped eating, and became lethargic, all over a three-day period. One of his kidneys was in acute failure, and so we made the heart-wrenching decision to let him go. I am still heartbroken, as he was my special boy, and loved to be on my lap. He also slept either on or right by me.

He loved to sit like this while taking a bath.

Here’s Greyson in his favorite hidey-hole spot.

Good news on the health front

I have been very lucky lately! Swollen lymph nodes only, a confirmation of chronic fatigue in the past, a weight loss of over 50 pounds, and major advances on the brain and energy fronts! I’m of course still not where I want to be (I’m aiming for 75% of what I used to be), but all-in-all, I am much better than I was.